Between the 13th and 17th of May 2019, President of the MMLA, Dr Ann Fenech was at the first meeting of UNCITRAL Working Group VI which has been tasked with considering the draft convention presented by CMI on the International Recognition of Judicial Sale of Ships.
Dr. Fenech participated in this meeting at UNCITRAL in her capacity of Vice President of CMI and as CMI co-ordinator for the project at UNICTRAL.
This was the first meeting of the Working Group VI attended by States members of UNICTRAL during which Dr. Beata Czerwenka was appointed Chairman of Working Group VI.
During this first meeting lasting an entire week, the Swiss Delegate Prof. Alex von Zeigler, a member of the Executive Council of CMI, presented the project since it was on the proposal of Switzerland last July 2018 that the 51 Assembly of UNICTRAL accepted to take on this work as part of its programme.
As CMI co-ordinator for the project Dr. Fenech was tasked with giving a preliminary explanation of each proposed article to the convention. There was agreement on the usefulness of the CMI draft to be used as the basis for any future work. The entire week was taken up with the explanations and answering of questions raised by all the delegations present. It was concluded at this first meeting that the UNCITRAL secretariat will now work on another draft taking into account the various ideas expressed and that the next draft will be the subject matter of the next Working Group VI meeting in Vienna in November of this year.
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