On 17th of October the President of the MMLA together with the Executive Committee invited to the Malta Maritime Law Association’s 30th Anniversary Celebration. 90 delegates from the Maltese Legal Community gathered in the charming venue of the National Library in Valletta.
The Event witnessed the participation of key maritime speakers who, over the years, have contributed and will continue to consolidate and strengthen the MMLA’s role as a forum and principal stakeholder within the Maltese Shipping Indcontinue to consolidate and strengthen the MMLA’s role as a forum and principal stakeholder within the Maltese Shipping Industry.
After the keynote speech from Transport Minister Dr Chris Bonett,
the present MMLA President Dr Matthew Attard and the previous MMLA President, now President of CMI, Dr Ann Fenech, welcomed the audience.
After the speeches, panel discussions followed. Former MMLA President Dr. Tonio Fenech moderated the first panel. Together with Dr.Max Ganado, Dr. Kevin F. Dingli and former Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen Mr. Lino Vassallo they delighted the audience with anecdotes regarding the set up, challenges and achievements of the MMLA during the first three decades of the Association.
Dr Stephan Piazza moderated the second panel which looked at the upcoming challenges of the Maltese Shipping Industry. With the participation of Mr.Godwin Mifsud (Perm. Secretary at the Minstry of Transport), Mr Ivan Castillo (Shadow Minister for Transport), Dr Marthese Portelli (CEO of the The Malta Chamber) and Dr. Claudia Vella Casagrande (Secretary General at the Malta International Shipowners’ Association) the Panel focused on the role of Malta within the European context and how key players such as the MMLA together with authorities and maritime stakeholders can continue safeguarding the interests of the Maltese Shipping Industry.
The event concluded with the presentation of a small gift to the former MMLA Presidents Dr Tonio Fenech and Dr Ann Fenech.
On 7 August the Malta Maritime Law Association jointly with the Malta International Shipowners Association organised an information session on Implementation Requirements for Shipping Companies to comply with EU Emissions Trading System.
After a short welcome from MMLA Secretary Dr Lisa Camilleri and MISA General Secretary Dr Claudia Vella Casagrande Mr Saviour Vassallo, Acting Team Leader of the Climate Change Unit at the Malta Resources Authority gave a very exhaustive presentation about the ETS mechanism recently extended also to the Shipping sector.
In the first part of his presentation, Mr Vassallo spoke about the MRV-Shipping Regulation and the key elements relevant to ETS-Maritime; Reporting at company level; and the key elements of the ETS Directive for Maritime Transport. He gave definitions as to who is, in this context, considered a shipping company and elaborated on the role of the ship owner, ISM and of others (e.g. bareboat charterers); Mr Vassallo further explained the rules of attribution to an administering authority in respect of a shipping company; the geographic scope; accounting for emissions: phase-in for surrender obligation; Derogations and Deadlines.
The second part of his presentation was dedicated to the Implementation of ETS for Maritime Transport: practicalities including Identifying who is the ‘shipping company’; Thetis-MRV: attribution; monitoring plans submission; annual reports submission; The MOHA process and additional information sources.
Throughout the event, Mr Vassallo replied to questions from members in attendance both in person and online with Dr Stephan Piazza, Chair of the MMLA Education Subcommittee moderating.
On 11 April the MMLA invited its members to the Annual General Meeting. President Dr Matthew Attard reported on the activities undertaken by the Association over the past months. This was a very active period where members of the Executive kept in close contact with various authorities and entities including the RGSS, MBR, SMB and MIA as well as the outgoing and incoming Minister and the Speaker on Maritime Affairs of the Opposition. Amongst the matters discussed were the proposed regulations for shipping service providers, the auditing of merchant shipping companies as well as the KYC guidelines for the resident agents. Dr Attard was pleased to note a considerable increase in membership numbers which is now close to 180 confirming that the Association represents a large fraction of the industry. He invited members to actively contribute through joining one of the subcommittees which are working for improvements in specific areas to the benefit of the industry and the country.
MMLA President Dr Matthew Attard attended the Colloquium 2023 of the Comite Maritime International held in Montreal, Canada between 14 – 16 June 2023. This was the first CMI Colloquium under CMI President Dr Ann Fenech.
The Colloquium focused on different topics which included the International Effects of Judicial Sales of Ships Convention and its ratification, the Promotion of Ethics and Diversity in the Maritime Legal Community, Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships and Mobile Offshore Renewable Units and the Need for Unification of Maritime Law.
The Malta Maritime Law Association is an active and proud member of the CMI and supporter of its goals and objectives.
The full programme can be found here.
“Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow – Celebrating Our 50th Anniversary!”
On 30 May 2023 the MMLA together with TM and MISA had invited to the Malta Shipping Symposium to discuss our past, present and future. The event celebrated Malta’s maritime flag achievements since the enactment of the Merchant Shipping Act back in 1973. The Symposium invited pioneers of Malta’s Shipping Industry growth.
Mr. Joe Curmi, Malta’s First Registrar of Ships, shared authentic anecdotes concerning the launch of Malta’s registry. He was followed by a number of practitioners, ship owners and academics who, throughout the last five decades, contributed to the success of the Malta’s Shipping industry.
The event was a huge success with 200 participants bringing together industry stakeholders from the local and international shipping community.
We wish to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our partner and supporting organisations and all those who have joined us and helped us make this event truly outstanding and memorable.
The full programme can be found here.
A video of the event posted by TM can be viewed here